Building Heroes Education Foundation

Building Heroes Education Foundation (Building Heroes) is a registered charity that provides skills training to military veterans with the single aim of tackling unemployment amongst those who have kept us safe by offering them a seamless transition to a new career in construction.

Tradespeople you can really trust

Building Heroes Education Foundation provides fully-funded training to military veterans and their families across a number of trades that are in high demand from homeowners, tenants, and property managers.

Graduates complete an intensive course that covers a range of disciplines including plastering, tiling, plumbing, painting and decorating, brick and blockwork, rendering, carpentry/joinery, and general maintenance.

Helping hundreds find a second career in construction

Today, Building Heroes has helped over 1,000 graduates build a second career in construction to support themselves and their families. 

The best thing about Building Heroes is that it takes you away from the military environment that you seem to get on other resettlement course. With ongoing support from the team after completion of the course and the connections they have within the building industry this has given me a platform to work on with setting up my own business.

Supporting veterans and their families

It is not only the veterans we work with but their families too. The training programme provided by Building Heroes Education Foundation is available to family members of veterans too.

What’s more, we employ military spouses in Building Heroes Property Services as job handlers and content creators.

Our veterans in training

Why Building Heroes Property Services?

Building Heroes has been committed to supporting graduates of the Education Foundation into employment in the building trades for many years. Building Heroes Property Services was created as a subsidiary of the charity to better connect qualified graduates to customers who are looking for tradespeople that they can trust. 

All profits from Building Heroes Property Services are reinvested in the training charity to create more opportunities.

Apply online for the Education Foundation

If you would like to apply to complete the Building Heroes Education Foundation course, you can apply online here.