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Enquire Today About A Building Hero

Tradespeople you can really trust. Our Building Heroes are all military veterans forging successful second careers in construction and home improvement. It goes without saying they’re people you can rely on. Arriving on time. Putting you at ease. Solving problems. Give something back to our veterans and Book a Building Hero for your next project.

Enquire Today

Give something back to our military veterans. When you open your door to one of our skilled tradespeople, all re-trained military veterans, you know you can trust the person walking in.

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Become a Building Hero

This is your pathway to a fulfilling second career outside of the military. As a trained graduate of Building Heroes, we will match your services against the needs of our customers.

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An image of two electricians drilling holes
A close up image of a tradesman's tool belt

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Cautious working during Covid-19

Read more about how we are keeping you and our Building Heroes safe.

Keeping you and our Building Heroes safe

How it works in three easy steps


Call 0330 390 0940 or fill out our simple form telling us about the services you need. We will assess your requirements and match you against our approved and trusted tradespeople.


Your job handler will provide a quotation for the work and, once agreed, will provide you with the name of your tradesperson and an arrival time.


Your Building Hero will arrive on time to complete the work. Your job handler will support you throughout the whole process and will answer any queries you have before and after the work is completed.


We are Gas Safe registered. This means that you can be assured that you are in safe hands when you call us for our commercial gas services. We are fully trained and qualified to carry out all gas work. What's more, is that we are also NICEIC Accredited, this means all of our electrical work is completed to the highest standard.

Featured Building Heroes

When you open your door, you want to know you can trust the person walking through it. All our skilled tradespeople are military veterans. You can be safe in the knowledge they will do the very best job, whilst also giving you the opportunity to recognise the commitments they have made for their country.